
Heart failure is a condition where the heart does not pump as well as it should. The body is not able to get the oxygen and nutrients it needs from the blood. The heart cannot keep up with demand. Most people who develop heart failure had another heart condition first, such as 冠状动脉疾病, 高血压 或者一个 心脏病. That’s why it is important to manage these conditions.

Symptoms of heart failure may include the following. Having one symptom may not mean you have heart failure, but if you have a combination of symptoms, talk to your provider about your concerns.

  • Fatigue – difficulty doing everyday activities like going up stairs or grocery shopping
  • 呼吸急促(气促)
  • 咳嗽或喘息
  • Buildup of excess 流感id in the body – swelling in the feet, ankles, legs 或者一个bdomen
  • 食欲不振
  • 混乱
  • Increased heart rate – heart may feel like its racing or throbbing

How is heart failure diagnosed?

If you are experiencing a combination of the above symptoms, talk to your doct或者一个bout your concerns. When heart failure is suspected, there are many 你可能要通过的测试 in order to diagnose if you have heart failure, what type and how severe it is.


  • 物理考试
  • 血液测试
  • 胸部 x射线
  • Electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG)
  • Echocardiogram (abbreviated as "echo")
  • 运动压力测试
  • 心脏catheterization
  • 核磁共振成像(核磁共振成像)


Heart failure can be treated by managing symptoms, but it cannot be cured. You and your family will take an active role in making lifestyle changes that will be important in managing the disease.


  • 戒烟
  • 吃有益心脏健康的饮食
  • 锻炼
  • 跟踪每日液体摄入量
  • 避免或限制饮酒
  • Tracking symptoms and monitoring blood pressure


  • 药物治疗
  • Devices and surgical procedures

It is important to manage any heart related condition. Guthrie Pulmonary Hypertension Clinic specializes in treating pulmonary hypertension, or 高血压 in the heart and lungs. Our team of physicians and staff work with your primary care and specialty care providers to develop personalized and coordinated care just for you.


  • Guthrie 心脏衰竭 Program: A team of skilled physicians and advanced practice providers help you make lifestyle adjustments and create a care plan so you can live with heart failure.
  • Temple University Hospital 心脏衰竭 Program Affiliate: 病人 in need of advanced services, including ventricular assist devices (VAD) or transplants, may be referred to Temple for their procedure. 从圣殿释放后, post-surgical transplant care will be coordinated between Guthrie and Temple specialists.
  • Guthrie 电生理和起搏 offers a full range of services for conditions related to electrical activity of the heart providing evaluation, diagnosis and treatment f或者一个rrhythmias, 心房颤动, congestive heart failure (CHF), 心脏骤停, syncope and ventricular arrhythmia.
  • Cardiac rehabilitation programs 在四个地点: Guthrie Healthworks in Corning; Guthrie Robert Packer Hospital; Guthrie Robert Packer Hospital, Towanda Campus; and Troy Community Hospital.
  • Guthrie Heart and Vascular Care Center, located in Guthrie Robert Packer Hospital, is a state-of-the-art space for heart and vascular surgeries and procedures. Located near the emergency department and ICU, there are private patient rooms, 心导管实验室, 还有一个混合手术室. The unit is centered around quick efficient care of our patients.

Guthrie heart surgeons are part of the largest cardiac care team in the northern Pa. 及北南.Y. Your heart is in good hands at Guthrie.

Guthrie interventional cardiology has advanced training in cardiac catheterization, 执行消融, 支架, angioplasty other structural heart procedures.

Our electrophysiology doctors and arrhythmia center teams help treat patients with arrhythmia issues like aFib using pacemakers or procedures like ablation.

Guthrie Cardiac and Vascular team treats patients with circulatory diseases: abdominal aortic aneurysm, 颈动脉疾病, 外周动脉疾病.